Puppy Snuggles

Spencer The Pomeranian

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A Pomeranian A Pomeranian. Source Wikimedia

I have always wanted a dog. I am on disability and one would be a wonderful companion for me. A furry friend is a great joy to have, especially since I am often home alone.

Well, my sister has three big dogs and one small dog. I don’t remember what the big dogs are, but the small one is a Pomeranian. This type of small dog would be a great addition to my life. I totally wanted the Pomeranian from my sister!

My sister’s Pomeranian is friendly, gets along fantastic with children, and rarely barks. It would make a great addition to my household. Although my children were teenagers at the time, I live in an apartment complex with 50 plus neighborhood children roaming around. I wanted one which would be good around children.

My brother-in-law only wanted to keep the bigger dogs - he wanted to give away the Pomeranian. My sister knew I wanted one and how it would help my overall well being to have a companion.

One day I received a text from my sister saying they were coming to town for a visit. She wondered if I would be home. I let her know I would be home. I rarely left my apartment except for bills, payday, and grocery day. Other than those days I was always home, staying out of mischief.

A couple of hours after I received my sister’s text, I heard a knock on my door. My sister, her husband, and the Pomeranian were at my door! They came in and wondered if I wanted the Pomeranian. I did not hesitate and said yes.

I am extremely happy I took the Pomeranian. I kept the name my sister gave him - Spencer. It is a fitting name for him, plus he already knew his name. I didn’t want to confuse him by changing his name.

For the first few weeks, Spencer would follow my children and me around the apartment. Spencer would also always sleep by my legs, or sometimes with one of my children, but mainly with me. It was like having a little child following me around! I enjoyed it.

My children enjoyed having Spencer, too. My youngest child has Asperger’s Syndrome, which is high functioning autism. Spencer seemed to help calm my child down a bit. Spencer also helped my child smile and laugh more.

Spencer was one of the best decisions I had made in my life. If I did not have Spencer, I believe my children’s lives and my life would have turned out totally different.

A Pomeranian is a great breed. I am not sure about other Pomeranians, but Spencer is calm, friendly, loving, and a wonderful companion for me. My children have since grown up and moved out of my apartment, leaving me alone with Spencer. If Spencer was not with me I believe I would be lonely, sad, or both.

Spencer is not only a Pomeranian but my friend. A dog adds life to a person and family.

8 comments for Spencer The Pomeranian

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  • How lovely that Spencer turned out to be such an excellent fit for you and the family. t seemed as if it was destined to be - right? Sometimes it is good luck and good fortune that brings the best of family pets together wth the right families.

    I think you lucked out with the cutest pup on the block :-)

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  • So glad it all worked out for everyone - dogs are a lifelong commitment and it’s so nice that you have little Spencer! I can’t wait to see more pics and hear more stories about your sweet pup.

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  • Pomeranians are cute dogs. I love furry little critters. I’ve met super sweet and friendly ones. And some not so nice ones. Spencer for sure sounds like a good one.

    My oldest child is around the edge of Aspergers too. His relationship with his Midnight cat was really special and changed his life. I can relate to how important Spencer was to your son. My cats make the difference for me being lonely today too.

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  • I’m glad your sister was able to rehome Spencer with you. I’m sure it’s not an easy decision, and she knew you would give him a wonderful home. Spencer sounds very happy to be with you, and you obviously enjoy him and this beautiful friendship the two of you have formed.

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