Puppy Snuggles

I Love My Dog T-Shirt Contest

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Just for fun, I’ve decided to run a little giveaway contest. This contest is administered by Amazon, so they’re doing all the heavy lifting.

So what is the prize and how do you get a chance to win? The prize is the following t-shirt I designed:

I Love My Dog T-Shirt

To enter, go to the following link:


You’ll have to follow my Twitter page Puppy Snuggles. You should be able to enter even if you’re already following me. Just follow the instructions in the above link.

This giveaway started May 1, 2017 3:13 PM PDT and ends May 6, 2017 11:59 PM PDT.

The official rules for Amazon Giveaway can be found at https://giveaway.amazon.com/rules.

If you want to see other t-shirts I’ve designed, I have a Puppy Snuggles t-shirt shop and a t-shirt shop on my GitHub blog.

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